Because you do, Dave Pell, your readers are gifted with insightful ways to deal with the world. Your honesty and vulnerability are especially profound today. Thanks as always.

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Thank you for opening up in such a beautiful way. I'm touched by your words. Strength and courage to you in these dark times.

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Good analysis of the Israel-Hamas War. There's no good end to this conflict. Unfortunately, the current crisis will expand. Much of the problem can be attributed to willful ignorance, hopelessness engendered by fanaticism, and attitudes such as "my way or the highway." The future of Palestinians is bleak, since no Middle Eastern country is willing to accept large numbers of these people as refugees. The two-state policy in Gaza has failed. Hamas is only the current reflection of an issue unresolved since 1948.

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Dave I was distressed to hear about your parents and that you have family in Iseral. Let know how we can help Israel in general and specifically your family. We want to help.

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Well said Mr. Pell. Some days, as we are sliding backwards, we can only hope to move forward. You sir, keep the hope alive. Thank you.

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I don't know how you keep going with all the tragedy happening daily. I have thought about this since Hamas started this awful war. Everything is overwhelming and just sad. If someone does know a way out, please do it! Your words in the last few weeks have been some of the hardest things I read. I can't read your posts these days without tears, so I pace myself.

The Bret Michaels story and Stairway to Heaven stories are good for a smile and I appreciate that. As hard as it is your posts they are needed in a world with so much news that does not make sense. I still wonder how we got here.

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