Keep up the good work, Pell.

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I'm very troubled about the billboard written by the older man. It's not because he's older, or lonely, or looking to move to a small Texas town and sing karaoke. It's because I've assumed you do mostly very meaningful things wtih your life. It's that I have no idea how a credible writer who often covers important issues finds the time in his own life to discover the tiny events that are seen by tiny audiences and take a whole lot of sleuthing to find — even if they provide some delight to our lives

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Concerning the ban on Tik Tok, I read this piece this morning and found it interesting. I, too, have concerns about our personal information being so available to China and all that might arise from it.https://apnews.com/article/india-tiktok-ban-us-china-9ae5223bce78c56e5d22a1f2e86510f0

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