Where is the FCC? How can Fox 'skirt' the fairness issues and falsehoods? Murdoch was practically thrown out of the UK after his scandal there--why can't US to same?

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But Dave... I admit that yesterday I popped over to Fox news, and could not believe that they were still on full-on gas-lighting their audience. How do we stop Murdoch from doing this? Obviously it is selling a lot of advertising and the ratings are providing them with incentive to continue. Do we "cancel" them and all their Fox properties, advertisers and the. like? Since that is all Murdoch seems to be worshiping, (not truth or civility or rule of law), then perhaps we have to finally get to the point of "cancelling" everything Fox touches, even our treasured sports and movie habits. Is this the only way to "encourage" him to stop the gas-lighting and chaos? Thoughts?

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