I have loved reading your newsletter for several years. I want to applaud you for your wit and style of your writing, you make everyday better. Mostly I want to thank you for your strong voice on Israel. The world needs to hear you. Bravo!
Thank you, Dave, for both info and links. I can only imagine how hard it is right now to be a liberal Jew, both in the US and in Israel. People, left and right, seem not to understand subtlety at all.
Unfortunately in this conflict there is no alternative to extreme violence at this point.
Israel, a sovereign nation under international law, cannot constantly be under threat of pogroms and annihilation by the Islamofascist terrorists which surround it. No other sovereign nation has to justify its existence in perpetuity. The terrorists must be eradicated to prevent further savagery. Everything else has been tried to placate the Muslims in the surrounding areas: financial assistance by governments around the world, diplomacy including the offer of statehood in the so-called two state solution, economic development and educational programs,etc. They are implacable, because at the bottom of it, they hate Jews and they want them gone. They want to kill all of them. They keep showing us this behavior. When are we going to believe them? In point of fact, all the aid, assistance and “solidarity” have made problem much worse and have led to the current debacle. Solidarity with groups that want to kill you is just fucking stupid. So Muslim terrorists blow up Europe, they blow up the United States, they blow up India, they blow up Muslim nations, and we send them money and amplify their bullshit propaganda and embolden them. They want to kill Christians just as badly.
This is not a joke. They say so in Arabic and Farsi on television, in publications. You don’t get those translations here because it doesn’t fit the Western critical theory intersectional bullshit egregiously stupid and destructive narrative of every culture is good except of course Western culture and now especially Jewish culture.
The bullies kill their own people all the time. They do it in Syria and Yemen and Iran and Afghanistan and Sudan and Lebanon, Iraq, you name it. They slaughter gays and women and any Muslim who stands in their way. They use women and children as human shields. They fight from under hospitals and inside schools. Hamas doesn’t care about Gazans. They shoot them if they try to escape to safety. They care about nothing but martyring innocents while the leadership sits in Qatar counting their money and making speeches. None of the SJWs make a peep about those atrocities and war crimes. It’s only when Jews defend themselves that the Commie agitators ( all paid and organized by the Democrat fundraising machine btw) get out in the street. So: STFU you phony hypocrite antisemitic cretins.
Israel must eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah, and Irans regime. The world should help them. This isn’t an isolated battle. How many times do we need to see this movie? If the Muslim world wants to be integrated into world civilization then they have to be civilized, not try to murder and dominate everybody who is not on their team. That means showing strength and resolve. And wiping out the death cult terrorists. Israel has to do it today. It’s a question of survival. You can see how things are going in the demoralized West. How long until we have the same situation here? We already do I believe. We certainly are inviting it with the moronic immigration and foreign policy moves we make.There are many tribes and nations that have disappeared. They were wiped out and dismantled by violent means more often than not. Violence is never the answer, except when it is. Civilization must triumph over homicidal maniacs and brutal savagery, even if the disgusting bigots at Harvard, Berkeley and other indoctrination camps don’t like it. It has to be done. The more you appease a bully, the worse it gets. Every time.
Thank you for doing what a lot of authors in the Leftsphere refuse to do--stand up for Israel and the Jewish people. US Jews have been on the forefront of every civil rights movement in the US. Now that we need some support....crickets.
From the river to the sea is not antisemitic, it is a call for the people of Palestine to be free from the apartheid regime they are under. The more that people try and muddy the water between anticolonialism and antisemitism, the worse it will be to try and identify actual antisemitism.
So, you're saying that Israel has no right to exist, despite international law and *checks notes* and the fact that it's surrounded by Muslim theocracies with absolutely zero tolerance for other faiths, women's rights, and more. Not Israel's fault that the Palestinians keep voting for leaders who reject peace in any form. EDIT: Oh, and what did they expect when they *check notes again* cheer on the killing of young, LIBERAL Jews in Israel who were holding a benefit FOR the West Bank.
Ordered my Pro Democracy t-shirt. Thank you! PS: Stanford will beat Cal in this year’s Big Game. Our young team is growing more fearless with each outing. This is my dream anyway.
About 50 countries of the world want, and expect this Hamas/ Israel struggle to end with a two-state solution. Netanyahu's party and Hamas are not a part of that group, which makes the negotiations difficult. Soon, once again, the rest of the world won't care. Antisemitism is still strong all around the world. The Palestinians have always been invisible.
On the surface, this struggle pretends to be about two religions being intolerant of each other. I used to think that religion was supposed to be about peace, love, and understanding. I guess that's only true of the Dalai Lama and the Rastafarians.
I have loved reading your newsletter for several years. I want to applaud you for your wit and style of your writing, you make everyday better. Mostly I want to thank you for your strong voice on Israel. The world needs to hear you. Bravo!
Thank you, Dave, for both info and links. I can only imagine how hard it is right now to be a liberal Jew, both in the US and in Israel. People, left and right, seem not to understand subtlety at all.
Thanks for pointing out the danger of antisemitism among so-called progressives.
I have a copied a spot-on comment in response to a blog by Chris Bray here: https://chrisbray.substack.com/p/does-violence-lead-to-more-violence/comments
By Tanto Minchiata
13 hrs ago Liked by Chris Bray
Unfortunately in this conflict there is no alternative to extreme violence at this point.
Israel, a sovereign nation under international law, cannot constantly be under threat of pogroms and annihilation by the Islamofascist terrorists which surround it. No other sovereign nation has to justify its existence in perpetuity. The terrorists must be eradicated to prevent further savagery. Everything else has been tried to placate the Muslims in the surrounding areas: financial assistance by governments around the world, diplomacy including the offer of statehood in the so-called two state solution, economic development and educational programs,etc. They are implacable, because at the bottom of it, they hate Jews and they want them gone. They want to kill all of them. They keep showing us this behavior. When are we going to believe them? In point of fact, all the aid, assistance and “solidarity” have made problem much worse and have led to the current debacle. Solidarity with groups that want to kill you is just fucking stupid. So Muslim terrorists blow up Europe, they blow up the United States, they blow up India, they blow up Muslim nations, and we send them money and amplify their bullshit propaganda and embolden them. They want to kill Christians just as badly.
This is not a joke. They say so in Arabic and Farsi on television, in publications. You don’t get those translations here because it doesn’t fit the Western critical theory intersectional bullshit egregiously stupid and destructive narrative of every culture is good except of course Western culture and now especially Jewish culture.
The bullies kill their own people all the time. They do it in Syria and Yemen and Iran and Afghanistan and Sudan and Lebanon, Iraq, you name it. They slaughter gays and women and any Muslim who stands in their way. They use women and children as human shields. They fight from under hospitals and inside schools. Hamas doesn’t care about Gazans. They shoot them if they try to escape to safety. They care about nothing but martyring innocents while the leadership sits in Qatar counting their money and making speeches. None of the SJWs make a peep about those atrocities and war crimes. It’s only when Jews defend themselves that the Commie agitators ( all paid and organized by the Democrat fundraising machine btw) get out in the street. So: STFU you phony hypocrite antisemitic cretins.
Israel must eradicate Hamas, Hezbollah, and Irans regime. The world should help them. This isn’t an isolated battle. How many times do we need to see this movie? If the Muslim world wants to be integrated into world civilization then they have to be civilized, not try to murder and dominate everybody who is not on their team. That means showing strength and resolve. And wiping out the death cult terrorists. Israel has to do it today. It’s a question of survival. You can see how things are going in the demoralized West. How long until we have the same situation here? We already do I believe. We certainly are inviting it with the moronic immigration and foreign policy moves we make.There are many tribes and nations that have disappeared. They were wiped out and dismantled by violent means more often than not. Violence is never the answer, except when it is. Civilization must triumph over homicidal maniacs and brutal savagery, even if the disgusting bigots at Harvard, Berkeley and other indoctrination camps don’t like it. It has to be done. The more you appease a bully, the worse it gets. Every time.
When history claims it is about religion, it is wrong, it is always about power. Thanks for the SNL clips.
Thank you for doing what a lot of authors in the Leftsphere refuse to do--stand up for Israel and the Jewish people. US Jews have been on the forefront of every civil rights movement in the US. Now that we need some support....crickets.
From the river to the sea is not antisemitic, it is a call for the people of Palestine to be free from the apartheid regime they are under. The more that people try and muddy the water between anticolonialism and antisemitism, the worse it will be to try and identify actual antisemitism.
So, you're saying that Israel has no right to exist, despite international law and *checks notes* and the fact that it's surrounded by Muslim theocracies with absolutely zero tolerance for other faiths, women's rights, and more. Not Israel's fault that the Palestinians keep voting for leaders who reject peace in any form. EDIT: Oh, and what did they expect when they *check notes again* cheer on the killing of young, LIBERAL Jews in Israel who were holding a benefit FOR the West Bank.
"Ultimately, we'll have to compare how the safety of self-driving cars compares to the safety of those being driven by humans."
The comparisons so far have been surprisingly good for humans. Here's just one example.
Ordered my Pro Democracy t-shirt. Thank you! PS: Stanford will beat Cal in this year’s Big Game. Our young team is growing more fearless with each outing. This is my dream anyway.
About 50 countries of the world want, and expect this Hamas/ Israel struggle to end with a two-state solution. Netanyahu's party and Hamas are not a part of that group, which makes the negotiations difficult. Soon, once again, the rest of the world won't care. Antisemitism is still strong all around the world. The Palestinians have always been invisible.
On the surface, this struggle pretends to be about two religions being intolerant of each other. I used to think that religion was supposed to be about peace, love, and understanding. I guess that's only true of the Dalai Lama and the Rastafarians.