Regarding your lead story, you express the ideas that many hold. But I urge you to consider why many others, from a range of backgrounds and political affiliations, maintain starkly contradictory views. It's not only about Trump. The distrust arises from numerous FBI arrests and killings draped in silence and censorship. From the numerous backtracks on Covid mandates (did you hear? Fauci recently proclaimed that he never 'mandated' wearing masks, only 'recommended' them after he had first proclaimed that they shouldn't be worn--but later, that was only so there would be enough masks for the "essential" workers. From the dire shortage of skilled healthcare workers, not because of Covid deaths, but because too many recognize the fallacy or the government restrictions.... I could go on, but you get the point if you've read this far; you may have written me off as a kook undeserving of even a hearing.
But it gets back to your question of why so many people can be so ignorant that they still don't believe the truth I (meaning you, the author) see so unequivocably. I don't read you as a blind propagandist, so I challenge you: find out what some of the "kooks" like me are thinking and saying. Get beyond the epithets about them and see for yourself. Malone, Kennedy, just for starters--but by no means the only voices. Many have been, or at least claim to have been, censored, so you may have to dig a little. You may have to go to sites and blogs different from the mainstream, but you should at least learn enough to make your own decision as to the consistency (with viewpoint variances, of course) and cogency of their refusal to accept the mainstream narrative without question. And I think that is what you are really trying to do: find truth and share it.
Regarding your lead story, you express the ideas that many hold. But I urge you to consider why many others, from a range of backgrounds and political affiliations, maintain starkly contradictory views. It's not only about Trump. The distrust arises from numerous FBI arrests and killings draped in silence and censorship. From the numerous backtracks on Covid mandates (did you hear? Fauci recently proclaimed that he never 'mandated' wearing masks, only 'recommended' them after he had first proclaimed that they shouldn't be worn--but later, that was only so there would be enough masks for the "essential" workers. From the dire shortage of skilled healthcare workers, not because of Covid deaths, but because too many recognize the fallacy or the government restrictions.... I could go on, but you get the point if you've read this far; you may have written me off as a kook undeserving of even a hearing.
But it gets back to your question of why so many people can be so ignorant that they still don't believe the truth I (meaning you, the author) see so unequivocably. I don't read you as a blind propagandist, so I challenge you: find out what some of the "kooks" like me are thinking and saying. Get beyond the epithets about them and see for yourself. Malone, Kennedy, just for starters--but by no means the only voices. Many have been, or at least claim to have been, censored, so you may have to dig a little. You may have to go to sites and blogs different from the mainstream, but you should at least learn enough to make your own decision as to the consistency (with viewpoint variances, of course) and cogency of their refusal to accept the mainstream narrative without question. And I think that is what you are really trying to do: find truth and share it.
Good points!
Particularly rich offering. Thank you!